Home Decor with pillows and scented candles

What are Home Decor Items? A Simple Guide to beautifying Your Space.

What are Home Decor Items? A Simple Guide to beautifying Your Space.

When it comes to our living spaces, home decor items can transform any room from drab to fab. But what exactly falls under the umbrella of home decor? Let's break it down into simple terms in a bit of personal opinion and popular assumptions along the way.

The Essence of Home Decor

At its core, home decor is anything you use to decorate and personalise your house, apartment or room. These items not only add aesthetic appeal but also reflect your personality and style. We believe that every piece tells a story - from the cushions on your sofa to the art on your walls. Some people assume home decor is all about making a space look good, but it's also about creating a vibe that feels right.

The Must-Haves

  • Soy Candles and Scented Candles: Nothing sets the mood like the soft flicker and soothing scent of a candle. Soy candles and scented candles, in particular, have gained a lot of love for their clean burn and rich fragrances. With options ranging from woodsy to sweet, there's a scent for every personality. 

  • Fragrance Oils and Wood Wicks: For those who love a good aroma, fragrance oils are becoming an essential. When they are paired with candles featuring wood wicks, these oils create an ambiance of your dream home. The crackle of a wood wick adds a charm that many find irresistible.

  • Throw Pillows and Blankets: It's amazing what a difference a few throw pillows and a cozy blanket can make in a living room. They're the perfect combo for snuggling up on a chilly evening or adding a pop of color to your decor.

  • Wall Art: Art is subjective and that’s what makes it exciting, right? A piece that speaks to you might not resonate with someone else and that’s okay. Wall art personalizes your space and injects character into it.

A Matter of Opinion

While some might argue that less is more, others believe that quantity matters when it comes to home decor. We believe that there's no right or wrong here. It's all about what makes you feel at home in your space. Some assume investing in high-end pieces is the way to go, while others find beauty in thrift store treasures.

Final Thoughts - It's your home, your rules.

Home decor is about creating a space that reflects who you are and what you love. Whether it’s the calming scent of a lavender soy candle, the charm of a wood wick candle or the personal touch of your favourite wall art with each element playing a part in turning an architectural design into a home.

So, whether you’re a seasoned decorator or just starting to explore the world of home decor -  remember, it’s all about making your space feel truly yours. Don’t be afraid to mix, match and experiment. After all, the best home decor reflects the unique personality and style of its inhabitants.


Happy decorating and making the place yours!

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